Friday, September 18, 2009

Reflections on History project

-What did you learn from working on this project?

I had learnt that a number of things were actually invented from Ancient China and was very surprised to knew that. I learnt how to find information in point form from some of the websites too.

-What can be improved about the way the project was carried out?

We should planned the project earlier on how to do, what were the things that we need to do. Meet up more often to discuss.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Religions and philosophies

-How was religions and philosophies important to the people of the ancient civilisations?

These guide the people in ancient civilisations on how they should behave or live by listening to the god or gods. These will affect one's characteristics.

-In a country like Singapore which is multi-religious, what are the possible challenges we might face? How can we overcome these challenges?

We might face problems like did not respect other religions and therefore ends up with fight or other problems. We should learn other people's religion on what they cannot eat...what things they cannot do and repect them.
-What were the similarities between the government & society of the 3 ancient civilisations?

All of them have a government, writing system , occupations and a class system

-What were the differences between the government & society of the 3 ancient civilisations?

They have some different occupations, and the way they rule the governments are different as some of the empire rule the whole government while some the empire only rule the capital and the rest rule by peopel he trust.

-How similar or different are their systems with Singapore's?

All their goverments were rule by kings while singapore does not. And singapore does not have a class system too while they have.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Testing testing 1,2,3... Yeah going to blog for historyyyyyy...... :D

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Indus Vally :D

Indus Vally was found in 25oo BCE.It is a well planned city by an efficient government which provied:

-Shelter against foreign enemies

-A complex drainage system

-Food stored for future comsumption

Indus peopple work as:

-Priest who carry out religious rituals

-Craftsmen who create Pottery and Bronze tools

-Farmers who produces food

-Traders who sell as well as purchase products from other regions

Seals found indicated that the Indus Vally people:

-Had a uniform writing system

-Used seals for trade

Reflection on Indus Vallly

I think the Indus Vally is really very interesting,i wish to find out more about it and know it better. I wonder how the people make their living there???

History is fun!